

PPResume provides the LaTeX (opens in a new tab) source code for your resumes right out of the box. If you want to dive in and re-create your resumes from scratch, you can copy and save the code somewhere and generate the PDF by yourself.

PPResume Output Code

There are generally two ways to generate the PDF from the LaTeX source code:

  1. Overleaf
  2. Local LaTeX Environment


Overleaf (opens in a new tab) is a cloud-based LaTeX editor that allows you to write, compile, and preview LaTeX documents online. It provides a free forever plan for you to get started with LaTeX.

We strongly recommend that you use overleaf to compile the LaTeX source code, as this is the easiest way to get started. Installing and configuring the LaTeX environment on your local machine is a non-trivial job and requires a lot of time.

PPResume Overleaf

Local LaTeX environment

If you want 100% control over the code and the resumes, you can set up a LaTeX environment on your local machine. We will guide you through the process of setting up a LaTeX environment on different operating systems, installing the necessary fonts, and the steps to compile a .tex file to a PDF using XeLaTeX.

1. Install TeX Live

TeX Live (opens in a new tab) is a comprehensive TeX system that you can install on various operating systems. You can follow the manual (opens in a new tab) to install TeX Live on your system. Or you can follow the short instructions below to install TeX Live on your system.


  1. Download the TeX Live installer from the official TeX Users Group website (opens in a new tab).
  2. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to perform a full installation.


  1. Download and install MacTeX (opens in a new tab), which is the macOS distribution of TeX Live.
  2. Alternatively, you can use Homebrew (opens in a new tab) to install MacTeX by running the following command in your terminal:
brew install --cask mactex

Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Install TeX Live using the following command:
sudo apt-get install texlive-full

2. Install necessary fonts

Under the hood, PPResume adopts the XeTeX (opens in a new tab) engine to compile the LaTeX source code to PDF. XeLaTeX is a LaTeX engine that uses Unicode to support a wide range of fonts, including CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) fonts.

At the time of writing, PPResume uses the following fonts:

You need to install the fonts on your system before you can compile the LaTeX source code generated by PPResume.

Different fonts have different ways to install on different operating systems, you are on your own to install and configure (opens in a new tab) the fonts in the right way.

3. Compile a TeX file to PDF

Once you have TeX Live and necessary fonts installed, you are ready to compile PPResume generated .tex files to PDF using XeLaTeX. Follow the steps below:

  1. Create a .tex file with the generated LaTeX source code from PPResume:
\documentclass[a4paper, serif, 11pt]{moderncv}
%% moderncv
% style and color
% needed by moderncv for showing icons
%% page layout/margins
\usepackage[top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, left=1.5cm, right=1.5cm]{geometry}
%% CTeX
% CJK support, used to show CJK characters in the resume
% - fontset=none: disable builtin fontset but instead set the CJK font manually
% - heading=false: disable ctex heading
% - punct=kaiming: use kaiming punctuations styles for CJK
% - scheme=plain: use plain scheme, do not override `\normalsize` font size
% - space=auto: space settings for CJK characters
% ref:
% -
\usepackage[UTF8, fontset=none, heading=false, punct=kaiming, scheme=plain, space=auto]{ctex}
\setCJKmainfont{Noto Serif CJK SC}
\setCJKsansfont{Noto Sans CJK SC}
%% fontspec
\setmainfont[Ligatures={TeX, Common}, Numbers=OldStyle]{Linux Libertine O}
\name{Andy Dufresne}{}
\title{Headed for the Pacific}
\phone[mobile]{(213) 555-9876}
\address{123 Main Street -- Sacramento -- California, United States, 95814}{}{}
\extrainfo{{\small \faLink}\ \href{}{} {} {} {} • {} {} {}
{\small \faLine}\ \href{}{@andy.dufresne} {} {} {} • {} {} {}
{\small \faTwitter}\ \href{}{@andy.dufresne}}
\item Computer Science major with strong foundation in data structures, algorithms, and software development
\item Pixel perfect full stack web developer, specialised in creating high-quality, visually appealing websites
\item Experiened in databases (SQL, NoSQL), familiar with server-side technologies (Node.js, Express, etc.)
\item Team player, with detail-oriented mindset and a keen eye for design and user experiences
\cventry{Sep 2016 -- Jul 2020}
        {Bachelor, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Score: 3.8}
        {University of Southern California}
\item Developed proficiency in programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python
\item Gained hands-on experience in software development through various projects and assignments
\item Strong communication and teamwork skills acquired through group projects and presentations
\textbf{Courses}: Discrete Methods in Computer Science,
Programming Language Concepts,
Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design,
Operating Systems,
Computer Architecture,
Database Systems,
Computer Networking,
Introduction to the Theory of Computing}
\cventry{Dec 2022 -- Present}
        {Senior Software Engineer}
\item Developed and implemented efficient and scalable code, ensuring high-quality and maintainable web applications
\item Collaborated with cross-functional teams to gather project requirements and translate them into technical solutions
\item Conducted thorough testing and debugging to identify and resolve any issues or bugs in the software
\item Actively participated in code reviews, providing valuable feedback to improve code quality and adherence to best practices
\item Mentored and guided junior developers, fostering a collaborative and growth-oriented team environment
\textbf{Keywords}: Scalibility, Growth, Quality, Mentorship}
\cventry{Sep 2020 -- Dec 2022}
        {Software Engineer}
\item Created reusable React components to ensure code efficiency and maintainability
\item Integrated with RESTful APIs to fetch and display dynamic data on the frontend
\item Implemented client-side routing using React Router for smooth navigation between pages
\item Actively participated in Agile development methodologies, attending daily stand-up meetings and sprint planning sessions
\textbf{Keywords}: RESTful, React, Agile}
\cvline{English}{Native or Bilingual Proficiency}
\cvline{Chinese}{Elementary Proficiency}
\cvline{Web Development}{Expert \hfill \textbf{Keywords}: Python, Ruby, CSS, React, JavaScript}
\cvline{DevOps}{Intermediate \hfill \textbf{Keywords}: Python, Kubernetes, Docker, Shell, Ansible}
\cvline{Design}{Intermediate \hfill \textbf{Keywords}: Sketch, Figma, Photoshop}
  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where your .tex file is located.
  3. Run the following command to compile the .tex file to a PDF using XeLaTeX:
xelatex your-resume.tex

This will generate a PDF file named your-resume.pdf in the same directory.