English and Spanish are both Indo-European languages (opens in a new tab), it is no wonder that English and Spanish share some similarities, so most of the common foundations of PPResume can be reused for English and Spanish.
Character Set
The character sets of English and Spanish are very similar—both languages
primarily use the Latin
alphabet (opens in a new tab), which consists of 26
letters. However, Spanish has an additional letter, the ñ
, which
represents a unique sound. Here's a quick comparison:
Feature | English Character Set | Spanish Character Set |
Alphabet | 26 letters (a-z ) | 27 letters (a-z plus ñ ) |
Diacritics | None | Includes accents (á , é , í , ó , ú ), diaeresis (ü ), and special punctuation (¿ , ¡ ) |
Special Characters | Limited to basic Latin characters | Includes additional characters like ñ and accented vowels |
The main differences between the English and Spanish's writing systems:
- Additional letter: the Spanish alphabet includes the letter
, which does not exist in the English alphabet. - Diacritics (opens in a new tab): Spanish uses
several diacritics that change he pronunciation of vowels. For example,
accents indicate stress and pronunciation changes (e.g.,
). - Punctuation marks: Spanish uses inverted punctuation marks (
for questions and¡
for exclamations) that are absent in English.
Days of the week and months are capitalised in English, but not in Spanish. For example, "Sep 2021" in English is translated as "sept 2021" in Spanish.
PPResume only uses months, hence the translation table:
English | Spanish |
January (Jan) | enero (ene) |
February (Feb) | febrero (feb) |
March (Mar) | marzo (mar) |
April (Apr) | abril (abr) |
May (May) | mayo (may) |
June (Jun) | junio (jun) |
July (Jul) | julio (jul) |
August (Aug) | agosto (ago) |
September (Sep) | septiembre (sept) |
October (Oct) | octubre (oct) |
November (Nov) | noviembre (nov) |
December (Dec) | diciembre (dic) |
English tends to capitalize many words, while Spanish is more conservative and follows a much tigher set of rules (opens in a new tab).
PPResume internally adopts a fixed set of options and terms for all resume templates. For example, languages in PPResume resume templates adopt Linkedin's language fluency options (opens in a new tab):
- Elementary Proficiency
- Limited Working Proficiency
- Minimum Professional Proficiency
- Full Professional Proficiency
- Native or Bilingual Proficiency
These are translated to Spanish as follows:
- Competencia elemental
- Competencia limitada de trabajo
- Competencia profesional de trabajo
- Competencia profesional plena
- Competencia nativa o bilingüe
Only the first word is capitalized.
Spanish has several notable differences in punctuations from English:
- Quotation marks: In English, periods and commas are placed inside quotation marks, whereas in Spanish, they are usually placed outside.
- Inverted marks: Spanish uses inverted question marks
and exclamation marks¡
at both the beginning and the end of interrogative and exclamatory sentences, whereas English does not. - Serial comma: English often uses a serial comma before "and" in lists (e.g., "apples, oranges, and bananas"), whereas Spanish does not use a comma before "y" (e.g., "manzanas, naranjas y plátanos")
- Numerical formats: English uses a period is used as a decimal separator (e.g., 3.14), whereas Spanish uses a comma is used (e.g., 3,14).
PPResume adopts the following translations for various options and terms used in Spanish resumes
Education Degrees
English | Spanish |
Middle School | Escuela secundaria |
High School | Título de secundaria |
Diploma | Diploma |
Associate | Grado de asociado |
Bachelor | Licenciatura |
Master | Maestría |
Doctor | Doctorado |
English | Spanish |
Arabic | Árabe |
Bengali | Bengalí |
Bhojpuri | Bhojpuri |
Cantonese | Cantonés |
Chinese | Chino |
English | Inglés |
French | Francés |
German | Alemán |
Gujarati | Gujarati |
Hausa | Hausa |
Hindi | Hindi |
Indonesian | Indonesio |
Italian | Italiano |
Japanese | Japonés |
Javanese | Javanés |
Korean | Coreano |
Marathi | Marathi |
Portuguese | Portugués |
Russian | Ruso |
Spanish | Español |
Tamil | Tamil |
Turkish | Turco |
Urdu | Urdu |
Vietnamese | Vietnamita |
Language Fluencies
English | Spanish |
Elementary Proficiency | Competencia elemental |
Limited Working Proficiency | Competencia limitada de trabajo |
Minimum Professional Proficiency | Competencia profesional de trabajo |
Full Professional Proficiency | Competencia profesional plena |
Native or Bilingual Proficiency | Competencia nativa o bilingüe |
Location (Countries and Regions)
English | Spanish |
Afghanistan | Afganistán |
Aland Islands | Islas Åland |
Albania | Albania |
Algeria | Argelia |
American Samoa | Samoa Americana |
Andorra | Andorra |
Angola | Angola |
Anguilla | Anguila |
Antarctica | Antártida |
Antigua And Barbuda | Antigua y Barbuda |
Argentina | Argentina |
Armenia | Armenia |
Aruba | Aruba |
Australia | Australia |
Austria | Austria |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaiyán |
Bahrain | Baréin |
Bangladesh | Bangladés |
Barbados | Barbados |
Belarus | Bielorrusia |
Belgium | Bélgica |
Belize | Belice |
Benin | Benín |
Bermuda | Bermudas |
Bhutan | Bután |
Bolivia | Bolivia |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia y Herzegovina |
Botswana | Botsuana |
Bouvet Island | Isla Bouvet |
Brazil | Brasil |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Territorio Británico del Océano Índico |
Brunei | Brunéi |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | Burundi |
Cambodia | Camboya |
Cameroon | Camerún |
Canada | Canadá |
Cape Verde | Cabo Verde |
Cayman Islands | Islas Caimán |
Central African Republic | República Centroafricana |
Chad | Chad |
Chile | Chile |
China | China |
Christmas Island | Isla de Navidad |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Islas Cocos |
Colombia | Colombia |
Comoros | Comoras |
Congo | Congo |
Cook Islands | Islas Cook |
Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) | Costa de Marfil |
Croatia | Croacia |
Cuba | Cuba |
Curaçao | Curazao |
Cyprus | Chipre |
Czech Republic | República Checa |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | República Democrática del Congo |
Denmark | Dinamarca |
Djibouti | Yibuti |
Dominica | Dominica |
Dominican Republic | República Dominicana |
East Timor | Timor Oriental |
Ecuador | Ecuador |
Egypt | Egipto |
El Salvador | El Salvador |
Equatorial Guinea | Guinea Ecuatorial |
Eritrea | Eritrea |
Estonia | Estonia |
Ethiopia | Etiopía |
Falkland Islands | Islas Malvinas |
Faroe Islands | Islas Feroe |
Fiji Islands | Fiyi |
Finland | Finlandia |
France | Francia |
French Guiana | Guayana Francesa |
French Polynesia | Polinesia Francesa |
French Southern Territories | Tierras Australes y Antárticas Francesas |
Gabon | Gabón |
Gambia The | Gambia |
Georgia | Georgia |
Germany | Alemania |
Ghana | Ghana |
Gibraltar | Gibraltar |
Greece | Grecia |
Greenland | Groenlandia |
Grenada | Granada |
Guadeloupe | Guadalupe |
Guam | Guam |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Guernsey and Alderney | Guernsey y Alderney |
Guinea | Guinea |
Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Bisáu |
Guyana | Guyana |
Haiti | Haití |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Islas Heard y McDonald |
Honduras | Honduras |
Hong Kong S.A.R. | Hong Kong |
Hungary | Hungría |
Iceland | Islandia |
India | India |
Indonesia | Indonesia |
Iran | Irán |
Iraq | Irak |
Ireland | Irlanda |
Israel | Israel |
Italy | Italia |
Jamaica | Jamaica |
Japan | Japón |
Jersey | Jersey |
Jordan | Jordania |
Kazakhstan | Kazajistán |
Kenya | Kenia |
Kiribati | Kiribati |
Kosovo | Kosovo |
Kuwait | Kuwait |
Kyrgyzstan | Kirguistán |
Laos | Laos |
Latvia | Letonia |
Lebanon | Líbano |
Lesotho | Lesoto |
Liberia | Liberia |
Libya | Libia |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | Lituania |
Luxembourg | Luxemburgo |
Macau S.A.R. | Macao |
Madagascar | Madagascar |
Malawi | Malaui |
Malaysia | Malasia |
Maldives | Maldivas |
Mali | Malí |
Malta | Malta |
Man (Isle of) | Isla de Man |
Marshall Islands | Islas Marshall |
Martinique | Martinica |
Mauritania | Mauritania |
Mauritius | Mauricio |
Mayotte | Mayotte |
Mexico | México |
Micronesia | Micronesia |
Moldova | Moldavia |
Monaco | Mónaco |
Mongolia | Mongolia |
Montenegro | Montenegro |
Montserrat | Montserrat |
Morocco | Marruecos |
Mozambique | Mozambique |
Myanmar | Myanmar |
Namibia | Namibia |
Nauru | Nauru |
Nepal | Nepal |
Netherlands | Países Bajos |
New Caledonia | Nueva Caledonia |
New Zealand | Nueva Zelanda |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
Niger | Níger |
Nigeria | Nigeria |
Niue | Niue |
Norfolk Island | Isla Norfolk |
North Korea | Corea del Norte |
North Macedonia | Macedonia del Norte |
Northern Mariana Islands | Islas Marianas del Norte |
Norway | Noruega |
Oman | Omán |
Pakistan | Pakistán |
Palau | Palaos |
Palestinian Territory Occupied | Territorio Palestino Ocupado |
Panama | Panamá |
Papua new Guinea | Papúa Nueva Guinea |
Paraguay | Paraguay |
Peru | Perú |
Philippines | Filipinas |
Pitcairn Island | Islas Pitcairn |
Poland | Polonia |
Portugal | Portugal |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
Qatar | Catar |
Reunion | Reunión |
Romania | Rumania |
Russia | Rusia |
Rwanda | Ruanda |
Saint Helena | Santa Elena |
Saint Kitts And Nevis | San Cristóbal y Nieves |
Saint Lucia | Santa Lucía |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | San Pedro y Miquelón |
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines | San Vicente y las Granadinas |
Saint-Barthelemy | San Bartolomé |
Saint-Martin (French part) | San Martín (parte francesa) |
Samoa | Samoa |
San Marino | San Marino |
Sao Tome and Principe | Santo Tomé y Príncipe |
Saudi Arabia | Arabia Saudita |
Senegal | Senegal |
Serbia | Serbia |
Seychelles | Seychelles |
Sierra Leone | Sierra Leona |
Singapore | Singapur |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | San Martín (parte neerlandesa) |
Slovakia | Eslovaquia |
Slovenia | Eslovenia |
Solomon Islands | Islas Salomón |
Somalia | Somalia |
South Africa | Sudáfrica |
South Georgia | Georgia del Sur |
South Korea | Corea del Sur |
South Sudan | Sudán del Sur |
Spain | España |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
Sudan | Sudán |
Suriname | Surinam |
Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands | Svalbard y Jan Mayen |
Swaziland | Suazilandia |
Sweden | Suecia |
Switzerland | Suiza |
Syria | Siria |
Taiwan | Taiwán |
Tajikistan | Tayikistán |
Tanzania | Tanzania |
Thailand | Tailandia |
The Bahamas | Bahamas |
Togo | Togo |
Tokelau | Tokelau |
Tonga | Tonga |
Trinidad And Tobago | Trinidad y Tobago |
Tunisia | Túnez |
Turkey | Turquía |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistán |
Turks And Caicos Islands | Islas Turcas y Caicos |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
Uganda | Uganda |
Ukraine | Ucrania |
United Arab Emirates | Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
United Kingdom | Reino Unido |
United States | Estados Unidos |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | Islas Ultramarinas Menores de Estados Unidos |
Uruguay | Uruguay |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistán |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
Vatican City State (Holy See) | Ciudad del Vaticano |
Venezuela | Venezuela |
Vietnam | Vietnam |
Virgin Islands (British) | Islas Vírgenes Británicas |
Virgin Islands (US) | Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos |
Wallis And Futuna Islands | Wallis y Futuna |
Western Sahara | Sahara Occidental |
Yemen | Yemen |
Zambia | Zambia |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabue |
Section Names
English | Spanish |
Awards | Premios |
Basics | Información básica |
Certificates | Certificados |
Education | Educación |
Interests | Intereses |
Languages | Idiomas |
Location | Ubicación |
Profiles | Perfiles |
Projects | Proyectos |
Publications | Publicaciones |
References | Referencias |
Skills | Competencias |
Volunteer | Voluntariado |
Work | Experiencia laboral |
Skill Levels
English | Spanish |
Novice | Novato |
Beginner | Principiante |
Intermediate | Intermedio |
Advanced | Avanzado |
Expert | Experto |
Master | Maestro |
Options and Terms
English | Spanish |
Courses | Cursos |
Keywords | Palabras clave |
Score | Puntuación |